

The Power of Employee Advocacy in Hiring

The Power of Employee Advocacy in Hiring

The Power of Employee Advocacy in Hiring

Apr 9, 2024

Securing a job goes beyond merely submitting a resume and hoping for the best. It's about making connections, building relationships, and standing out from the crowd. One way companies are finding top talent is through employee advocacy. But what exactly is employee advocacy, and why is it so important in the recruitment process?

Employee advocacy is when employees promote their company as a great place to work, whether it's through social media, word of mouth, or other channels. It's like having an army of brand ambassadors who are passionate about their work and want to share that enthusiasm with others. And this isn't just good for the company—it's also good for employees themselves.

First off, let's talk about why employee advocacy matters. 

According to a survey by Hinge Research Institute, 71% of people are more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals. Similarly, job seekers are more likely to trust information about a company if it comes from an employee rather than the company itself. In fact, research from Edelman Trust Barometer found that employees are considered the most credible source of information about their own company.

But it's not just about trust—it's also about reach. Consider this: the average person has around 400 Facebook friends and 200 LinkedIn connections. That means if just a fraction of your employees share a job posting or talk about how much they love working at your company, it has the potential to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

Remember, the numbers don't lie! According to a study by LinkedIn, content shared by employees receives 8 times more engagement than content shared by brand channels. That's a huge difference! Plus, when employees share job postings, they're reaching people who might not actively be looking for a job but could be persuaded to make a move if the right opportunity came along.

So how can companies harness the power of employee advocacy in their recruitment efforts? 

It starts with creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to speak up. This could mean offering perks like flexible hours or remote work options, providing opportunities for professional development, or simply recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work.

But it's not just about what happens inside the office—it's also about giving employees the tools they need to advocate for their company online. This could include providing training on how to use social media effectively, giving employees access to pre-approved content to share, or even incentivizing them to participate in advocacy programs.

Not to forget, ensuring a positive recruitment experience for candidates referred by employees is equally crucial. Research indicates that candidates who are referred by employees have a higher likelihood of being hired and staying longer with the company. According to a study by Jobvite, employee referrals result in a 40% higher retention rate after one year compared to candidates hired through other means. Therefore, it's vital to prioritize the experience of these candidates to maintain their interest and engagement throughout the hiring process.

Tools like Frankie can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment processes, especially when it comes to managing candidates referred by employees. Frankie's candidate portal feature provides a seamless and transparent experience for candidates, keeping them updated on their application status, interview schedules, and any other relevant information. This not only saves time for recruiters but also ensures that candidates feel valued and informed throughout their journey with the company. 

In conclusion, employee advocacy isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a must-have in today's competitive job market. By empowering employees to share their experiences and promote their company online, companies can attract top talent, build trust with job seekers, and ultimately, drive business success.

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